Thursday, December 13, 2007

My memories

I would like to share some memories with you all . In seventh standard we had a new geography teacher called Rahimunissa (Rahima ma'am) . It was the first day of geography class , the class was going on well she was giving notes and writing something on the blackboard . The next period was games period , The bell rang and geography class was still going on . Everybody was looking at the ground for playing games , Then ma'am finished the class and asked us about her handwriting in the balck board . She had actually scribbled on the board nobody could understand it , But one boy in our class called Aravind told ma'am " Your handwriting is so beautiful ma'am" (He told this thinking that she will leave them for the games period) . Then aravind got slapped by the teacher and ma'am said "Dont act too smart in my class" . Then everybody burst laughing .

I keep reminding this incident everytime when we all meet .




Koushik aarveeve said...

hey..tats a good blog which kindled my past memories. good job.......

Ravikumar said...

hi sano, good start man. Its nice to see that you out pour sweet memories!

JJ said...

he he he cute one da!